Nature's Power was formed in 1999 after 2 years of research and investigation into renewable energy. Learning all aspects of systems the hard way as there was no formal training at the time. Having a technical background at an early age, high school technical education and post secondary education at DeVry Institute of Technology helped with the training recieved in renewable energy.

Nature's Power is committed to providing high-quality products and services to our customers. Moreover, our efforts extend beyond providing quality and proven products to those who request them. Nature's Power conducts research on products that can provide the best quality before recommending them to our customers. Nature's Power is coverting into a research and development company to bring new and innovated products to consumers that ask for cost reducing products to implement in their daily lives. Nature's Power continuously seeks to develop technologies and products such as the Nature's Power Solar Powered Attic Vent manufactured by International Solar Solutions Inc.

Renewable Energy is for Everyone!