A rock garden adds a bit of rugged drama to sunny, open sites and is a good way to plant on an awkward slope. For best results, the soil shouldn't be too rich and you should avoid overhanging trees, which will drop leaves on your display.
July 28, 2015
A rock garden adds a bit of rugged drama to sunny, open sites and is a good way to plant on an awkward slope. For best results, the soil shouldn't be too rich and you should avoid overhanging trees, which will drop leaves on your display.
Get your stones from a builders' merchant, garden centre or quarry: they will deliver if you're buying a large enough quantity. Limestone resists frosts and weathers attractively but isn't good for acid-loving plants, such as summer-flowering heathers. Sandstone is lighter and cheaper but less frost-resistant, and tufa is excellent but expensive.
With the right type of lighting, features such as ornaments and statues, as well as individual plants, can become the stars of your night-time garden.
Adding rocks and stones to your garden is an easy way to give your garden a makeover. By using these simple tips, you'll add a bit if impact and drama to your home's garden.
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