Sorry, we didn't find any business matching “Prosthetic & Artifical Eyes” in “South Slocan BC”. We've expanded your search to include associated keywords in hopes of returning listings that may help you.
9-650 18th St, Castlegar, BC V1N 2M9 Get directions
Kirby is the owner of both the Fruitvale & Castlegar Valhalla Physio locations. Originally from Saskatchewan he graduated university in 1994 with a degree in physical therapy and ... more... See more text
Kirby is an extremely accomplished health care provider. He is very knowledgable and is able to explain the diagnosis and treatment to the patient in an understandable fashion. In his clinic, there is an easy sense of confidence. His use of humour and his affable manner put people at ease and help them feel comfortable. Kirby Epp and Valhalla Physiotherapy have provided me with excellent service and I would rank them at the top of my list or comparable health care professionals. Read more

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