Diet and diabetes: 2 common questions and expert answers

October 9, 2015

If you were recently diagnosed with diabetes, you probably have some questions about the connection between diabetes and diet. Here are two common questions and the expert answers you should know.

Diet and diabetes: 2 common questions and expert answers

1. Are food and diabetes closely intertwined?


  • Food plays a role in many chronic health conditions, but when it comes to diabetes, the connection is extremely tight.
  • With diabetes, pretty much every type of food you eat can have an immediate effect on your health — whether positive or negative. And over time, how well you eat will have the biggest effect on whether the condition improves or becomes worse.S
  • o if you think people are overstating the relationship between food and diabetes, it's important to change your opinion. Eating well is by far the number one way to manage diabetes.

2. I want is an appetite suppressant that's safe and really works. Why is that so hard to find?

Join the club! Everyone who is overweight — especially those with diabetes — dreams of a safe, magic pill that could help switch off your appetite. But it's unlikely that a single chemical agent will do the trick because the urge to eat is regulated by a complex process that involves many biochemicals.

  • Some researchers are working to identify each of them in the hopes of tackling a few that can give dieters an edge.
  • One candidate is a molecule called OEA (oleoylethanolamide). Levels of OEA in the intestine increase when you eat. Scientists believe the compound can help trigger feelings of fullness that can make you stop eating.
  • In studies at the University of California, laboratory rats that were given OEA reduced their food intake as well as their weight.
  • Of course, there are simple and effective ways to suppress appetite. For example, drink a large glass of water, chew gum or merely take a walk. All can relieve a sudden desire for food.

The best way to control diabetes is to stick to a healthy diet. Keep this guide in mind and contact your doctor for more information.

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