3 things that could be causing that pain behind your eye

June 24, 2014

Pain behind the eye can be a symptom of a larger medical problem that requires treatment. Discover what the discomfort can mean for your health.

3 things that could be causing that pain behind your eye

1. Migraine

The most obvious cause of pain behind the eyes is a migraine. Although medically the word migraine is a distinctive condition, the general public often uses this word to define any headache, especially one that causes pain behind the eyes.

Clinical migraines cause dilation of the blood vessels located in the brain. As a result, you might feel dizzy, nauseous or confused. No one really knows why some people get migraines, but there are steps you can take to prevent them.

Avoid triggers. This is tricky, because triggers are individualized. You need to figure out what causes yours, then find ways to avoid them. Usually, it is a food or smell that gets the migraine ball rolling.

Get some exercise. It’s funny how many problems just staying active prevents. When you do exercise, take the time to warm up. Sudden, intense movement can be a trigger.

Talk to your doctor. For many people, especially women, hormones play a role in migraines. Your doctor can help find ways to regulate hormonal surges to prevent headaches.

What about ocular migraines?

An ocular, or retinal, migraine is a more serious problem. This type of headache focuses the pain directly behind one eye, instead of both. If the pain you feel is behind one eye, it is important to seek medical attention. This can indicate a more serious condition such as intracranial pressure or a tumor pressing on the optic nerve.

2. Sinusitis

Sinusitis refers to an inflammation of the sinus cavity causing pressure to build behind the eyes.

  • Symptoms of a sinus headache include stuffy nose, tenderness in the front of the face and a reduced sense of taste.
  • A sinus headache may mean you have an infection, so it's important to see the doctor if the pain persists longer than a few days.

3. Optic neuritis

A less likely culprit is optic neuritis. Inflammation of the optic nerve produces pain behind the affected eye and loss of vision. This condition is a key marker for multiple sclerosis.

You might think your eyes are the windows to your soul, but a doctor will tell you they are really windows to your health. If you're concerned about pain behind your eyes, get it checked out by a doctor to get your out of pain.

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