HI! My name is Aroha (*little tip – if you say it like ALOHA but replace the L with an R and roll your tongue ….you’ve got it!!).
So this little space is where I get to tell you some interesting things about me. I’ll try to keep it short and sweet (not something I’m generally known for..haha) so here goes!
Many photographers say they have the best job in the world and in all honesty…..it’s true. To be able to do what I love each and every day….well….it is AMAZING! I am most definitely a people person! I love to make people smile and enjoy L.I.F.E’s little moments….that’s what this whole photography scene is for me. It’s more than just a job, it’s about connecting with the people I meet and enjoying their company. It’s about making them feel “at home” with me, just as much as it is about making precious images and memories for them.
Other little snippets:
I am a born Antipodean, living in London, Ontario Canada / Hopeless romantic / Married to THE most incredible man I could possible ask for / Step mum to two teenagers / Coffee drinker / Movie go-er / Lover of good Red wine and great tasting food / A big softy for all creatures big and small / Avid traveller / Camper/ Wilderness Adventurer / Art lover / Chocolate addict / Body positive activist / Community supporter for all things GOOD / LGBT advocate and friend.
So, this is ME, in a nutshell. Thanks for reading! Please enjoy your visit and the images you see. I look forward to the opportunity to make some amazing memories for you and your family soon. Cheers!
Aroha xoxmore...See more text